Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A New War

I have never been a winner
Will always be a sinner
Will never be able to undo my crimes
Just another guy
To make people cry
Another life not worth a dime

The days aren't to blame
The nights aren't the same
Every night a new war is lost
The fight seems in vain
The heart fills with pain
Another soul this war has cost

The light has faded
The earth seems jaded
People have resigned to fate
But a sword shines bright
Approaches a knight
Filled with murderous hate

Only his righteous anger
Can rattle these rusty armours
Onwards he leads us on into the fight
'Coz though am no winner
Am no saint,just a sinner
This time will battle with all my might.


Samadrita said...

Kinda depressive but I was all 'yay' on reaching the last line.Ends on a note of hope....thankfully!
Fight on!
And a really nice always!

Soumya said...

that's the truth...boy!!...its only u who pointed the truth!!

Pulkit said...

[i] it kinda defines myself.. very well written.. i envy you :(
specially the last para :)

Anonymous said...'s depressive...but is life...

@soumya-it ain't me...but that's indeed the truth...

@pulkit-I guess it defines a lot of us...and thanks are too kind...

Unknown said...

nice man!!
i love this dark writings of yours...please continue writing these depressive poems\m/