Tuesday, April 06, 2010

What Happened To Us?

A star-spangled sky,a gentle breeze
That's all your imprisoned dreamer needs
To release him from his world of pains
Bound by reality's rusty chains

The childhood days seem another life
Simpler people and simpler times
Dreams were then the order of the day
Black and white ruled,nothing was grey.

This world is filled with lies and hate
Spite and jealousy rules our fate
Love is just the foreplay for lust
Somewhere we have forgotten trust.

But the dreamer still lives on in us.
Even as we carry this age's curse.
Cursed not to love the sky,the trees.
The star-spangled sky,the gentle breeze.


atindriyo said...

wow man! that's real stuff!

eddie said...

nice to have u back... good write-up..

mrinal dutta said...

Love is just the foreplay for lust
Somewhere we have forgotten trust.//

some lines

Samadrita said...

This is some truly great writing.I loved all the lines :))

Love is just the foreplay for lust
-But this one was the most hard-hitting one of all.

Ankit said...

a nyc change of style..gr8 one.

adidas said...

But the dreamer still lives on in us.
Even as we carry this age's curse....
this is neo-realistic....ending with a feel-good comment....good one...

Anonymous said...

thank u everyone...and that love-lust line is causing some stir...didnt anticipate that....thanks...

NesQuarX said...

Ooh! Very LP!